【支援發表】The Company of Biologists Ltd Open Access(OA)期刊投稿優惠方案

服務內容 About the Program

為支持本校研究人員投稿Open Access(OA)期刊,提高文章能見度與提升個人學術影響力,國立陽明交通大學與The Company of Biologists出版社簽訂轉型協議,凡於2024年至2026年五種期刊投稿,可免付期刊論文處理費(Article Processing Charge, APC),歡迎多加利用!


  1. 通訊作者必須為陽明交通大學所屬機構人員。Responsible corresponding authors of articles must identify to be affiliated with NYCU.
  2. 文章被接受日期(Accepted date)介於2024/1/1-2026/12/31期間。Articles have to be accepted for publication on or from 1 January 2024.


Hybrid Journals – 《Development》、《Journal of Cell Science》 和《Journal of Experimental Biology》

Fully Open Access journals – 《Disease Models & Mechanisms》和Biology Open》

 協議及詳細說明 Read & Publish Open Access agreements