






序號 登錄號 題名 作者
1 X580054 1000萬人都說有效的輕鬆戒菸法 /  卡爾 (Carr, Allen), 著
2 X580052 1分鐘治好腰痛 : 50,000人親身見證最有效的腰痛改善法 /  小林敬和, 著
3 X580056 24位名醫肯定, 最好的休息法 /  伊藤和弘, 採訪撰文
4 X580007 3C眼有救了 : 眼科權威陳瑩山的護眼處方 /  陳瑩山, 著
5 X580008 8顆糖 : 從8個故事, 8段人生教你聰明控糖x 學會善用血糖機做好健康管理x 最  羅福松, 著
6 X580068 After the thaw /  米田知子 (Tomoko, Yoneda), 1965-
7 X580064 デザイン.コンピューティング入門 : Pythonによる建築の形態と機能の生成.  日本建築学会, 編
8 X580065 なぜ未だ「プロヴォーク」か : 森山大道.中平卓馬.荒木経惟の登場 /  西井一夫, 著
9 X580005 一日三餐減醣料理 : 單週無壓力消失2kg的美味計劃,72道低醣速瘦搭配餐 /  陳怡婷, 著
10 X580058 一碗搞定!增肌減脂健身餐 /  劉雨涵, 著
11 X580066 人口減少時代の住宅政策 : 戦後 70年の論点から展望する /  山口幹幸, 1951-, 著
12 X580006 人不必活得腰痠背痛 : 痠痛檢測.按摩.伸展.運動保健全書 /  向志超, 著
13 X580009 八位醫師聯手調配的減肥七日餐 : 五行.低升糖.藥膳,三效加強,一周一定瘦 =  吳宏乾, 著
14 X580046 不挨餓 不囤脂 糖尿病救命飲食運動法 /  向紅丁, 著
15 X580010 不靠藥物降血壓: 讓你的人生從「高血壓」.「長期服藥」及「減鹽飲食」  加藤雅俊, 著
16 X580011 不讓你多胖1公分!10秒有感の瘦肚減肥操 : 一條毛巾7天腰圍小3吋.10天體重少3  呂紹達, 著
17 X580067 日本の都市から学ぶこと : 西洋から見た日本の都市デザイン /  シェルトン (Shelton, Barrie), 1944-, 著
18 X580012 日常心理圖解大百科 : 人際.工作.消費.健康.學習.群眾六大領域全解析 /  李東龜, 著
19 X580013 甲狀腺的生活練習題 = Thyroid /  林毅欣, 著
20 X580055 多喝水的療癒聖經 /  拜門蓋勒 (Batmanghelidj, Fereydoon), 著
21 X580014 肌內效魔法貼 : 圖解40種常見生活.職業.運動傷害貼紮手法大公開 /  林冠廷, 著
22 X580015 自己的肺自己救 : 每天1分鐘的肺部保健指南 /  陳芳祝, 著
23 X580020 自己做乳酸發酵的超美味常備泡菜 : 韓國正宗秘方,完美比例調味,防癌.燃脂.  Pecipe Factory
24 X580024 血管回春 : 心臟權威醫師教你這樣做,血管有彈性,疾病遠離你! /  黃群耀, 著
25 X580016 你一定要知道的50種致命傳染病 : /  摩爾 (Moore, Peter), 著
26 X580017 你的處方箋 : 揮別肩膀痠痛 /  筒井廣明, 監修
27 X580018 你做的檢查.治療都是必要的嗎? : 小心!過度的醫療行為,反而嚴重傷害你的健  江守山, 著
28 X580057 即刻救牙!良心牙醫教你一口好牙咬到100歲! /  木野孔司, 著
29 X580019 男性顯本色 : 我的養生祕方 /  李韡玲, 著
30 X580021 泌尿科醫師的電影處方箋 : 28部經典電影,讓你性福.健康有醫劇 /  鄒頡龍, 著
31 X580022 爸媽老了該怎麼吃? : 世界最新醫學研究告訴你, 60歲之後的健康飲食和你想  滿尾正, 著
32 X580023 空污世代的肺部養護全書 : PM2.5.霧霾威脅下,口罩族的求生指南 /  陳晉興, 著
33 X580059 拯救智慧型手機老花眼, 避免頭痛.乾眼症.肩膀僵硬,以及憂鬱症! /  荒井宏幸, 著
34 X580025 為什麼心臟病總是突然發作? /  洪惠風, 著
35 X580063 香港電影與新加坡: 冷戰時代星港文化連繫, 1950-1965 /  麥欣恩, 著
36 X580061 挺起胸伸直背 /  酒井慎太郎, 著
37 X580026 時令蔬菜高湯活用術 : 60道健康蔬食餐點輕鬆做 = Vegetable soup stock /  樋口正樹, 著
38 X580027 核心肌群訓練解剖全書 /  埃爾斯沃斯 (Ellsworth, Abigail), 著
39 X580053 脂肪的祕密生命 : 最不為人知的器官脂肪背後的科學與它對身體的影響 /  塔拉 (Tara, Sylvia), 著
40 X580028 排毒養生從養肝開始 /  柴瑞震, 編著
41 X580029 深層核心肌群科學鍛鍊運動 : 對症舒緩.關節修復.脊椎回正, 自療+預防一次  尹濟弼, 著
42 X580060 笨蛋!問題都出在營養 /  劉乂鳴, 著
43 X580069 植物文化人物事典 : 江戶から近現代.植物に魅せられた人々 = A dictionary of bo  大場秀章 (おおば ひであき), 編
44 X580030 痛症按摩拉筋全書 : 從偏頭痛.腰背痛.肩頸痠.手腕麻到低頭族症候群,114個改  羅永武, 著
45 X580031 貼就有效!學會肌能系貼紮, 從此不痠不痛, 不再運動傷害 /  侯雅娟, 著
46 X580051 超逆齡! : 脊骨神經深層抗老魔法, 有效告別初老, 再現青春奇蹟 /  黃如玉, 著
47 X580032 順暢呼吸 從養肺開始 /  柴瑞震, 編著
48 X578895 會計學 : 習題解答 = Accounting /  杜榮瑞, 著
49 X578894 會計學 = Accounting /  杜榮瑞, 著
50 X580033 瑜伽療癒的身心復健科學 /  蔡士傑, 著
51 X580034 當自己的按摩師 : 深層肌筋膜自我放鬆術 /  鄭旭輝, 著
52 X578898 資訊倫理與法律 : 網路行為與價值觀的新秩序 = Information ethics and laws /  林義貴, 編著
53 X580035 運動不是為了瘦!肌力女神與妳用健身寵愛自己 : 隨時隨地都能練的25招.全方  Annie 著
54 X580036 運動傷害緊急處理圖解手冊 : 頂尖選手都會照著做!敎你成為自己的運動防護  山本利春, 著
55 X580037 運動傷害與肌內效貼布 = Athletic injuries and kinesio taping /  駱明瑤, 著
56 X580038 運動營養學超入門 : 提升運動成效最重要的是正確的營養補給知識 /  岡村浩嗣, 著
57 X580062 圖解認知心理學 /  謝嘉恩, 著
58 X580039 截糖好生活 : 30天你也可以減脂10斤,年輕10歲, 科學斷糖 永不復胖 /  張慧敏, 著
59 X580040 滾一滾鬆筋膜 天天零痠痛  禹智仁, 著
60 X580041 滾筒瑜伽舒筋瘦身全書 : 訓練核心肌群.強身塑型.舒筋伸展操 /  吳玉豐, 著
61 X580042 滾筒運動圖解聖經 : 強化核心肌群.肌筋膜放鬆.專屬運動課表.消除激痛點 : S  伍德渥斯 (Woodworth, Sam), 著
62 X578897 管理科學導論 /  Taylor III, Bernard W. 著
63 X580043 蒼藍鴿醫師告訴你 : 90%攸關性命的醫學常識, 沒有人教! : 3分鐘速懂的醫療急  吳其穎, 著
64 X580044 劉博仁不藏私的功能醫學新王道 : 吃藥不如吃對營養.過對生活 小毛病不會  劉博仁, 著
65 X578896 劍橋活用英語文法. 中級 = Grammar in use intermediate /  墨菲 (Murphy, Raymond), 著
66 X580045 膝蓋痠痛,自己可以救 : 完全圖解神奇三招輕鬆做,90%膝蓋不適症二周內痊癒 /  黑澤尚, 監修
67 X580047 膽固醇其實跟你想的不一樣 ! : 膽固醇的功用超乎想像, 想多活20年, 你一定  摩爾 (Moore, Jimmy), 著
68 X580048 藥師心内話 : 廣告藥品.網路保健食品.兒童用藥……資深藥師教你秒懂50個不  Drugs 著
69 X580049 蹲出健康的重心 : 強化髖關節, 伸展核心肌群與大腿肌肉, 消除痠痛不適, 延  白木仁, 著
70 X580050 護腸胃 抗脹氣14天計畫 : 放屁.打嗝.脹氣.便祕是腸道求救的信號!透過低產氣  賴恩 (Rein, Jan), 著
1 F251422 A brief history of English syntax /  Fischer, Olga, author.
2 F251407 A guide to the project management body of knowledge /  Project Management Institute, issuing body.
3 F248243  

A world of many worlds / 

Cadena, Marisol de la, editor.
4 F250333 After the fall : New Yorkers remember September 2001 and the years that followed /  Clark, Mary Marshall.
5 F248536 Alberto Kalach /  Serrazanetti, Francesca, editor.
6 F250316 Alison & Peter Smithson : a critical anthology /  Risselada, Max.
7 F250321 An introduction to causal inference /  Pearl, Judea, author.
8 F250315 Architecture without architects : a short introduction to non-pedigreed architecture /  Rudofsky, Bernard, 1905-1988.
9 F248241 Archiveology : Walter Benjamin and archival film practices /  Russell, Catherine, 1959- author.
10 F250344 Art forms in nature coloring book /  Haeckel, Ernst, 1834-1919, author.
11 F251378 Art, archaeology & science : an interdisciplinary approach to Chinese archaeological and artistic ma  Yang, Meili, author.
12 F241492 B+U : 011420002011 /  Lee, Joon-hee.
13 F251412 Barron’s essential words for the TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language /  Matthiesen, Steven J., author.
17 F251409 Barron’s TOEFL iBT : Internet-based test /  Sharpe, Pamela J., author.
18 F251398 Basic Cantonese : a grammar and workbook /  Yip, Virginia, 1962- author.
19 F248252 Belonging in the two Berlins : kin, state, nation /  Borneman, John, 1952-
20 F251360 Beyond bending : reimagining compression shells /  Block, Philippe, author.
21 F248537 Bolles + Wilson /  Serrazanetti, Francesca.
22 F248251 Border as method, or, the multiplication of labor /  Mezzadra, Sandro.
23 F251392 Border ecologies : Hong Kong’s mainland frontier /  Bolchover, Joshua, author.
24 F248250 Building for oil : Daqing and the formation of the Chinese socialist state /  Hou, Li, 1973- author.
25 F248246 Business research methods /  Schindler, Pamela S., author.
26 F251402 Catalan : an essential grammar /  Dols, Nicolau, 1967- author.
27 F248538 Cino Zucchi /  Bassoli, Nina.
28 F251359 Cities in Asia by and for the people / edited by Yves Cabannes, Mike Douglass, and Rita Padawangi.  Cabannes, Yves, editor.
29 F241472 Claude Parent, l’œuvre construite, l’œuvre graphique /  Parent, Claude, 1923-2016.
30 F241473 Climates : architecture and the planetary imaginary /  Graham, James (Architect), editor.
31 F250349 Clinical linguistics : theory and applications /  Nemelka, Christopher Marc, editor.
32 F248235 Cognitive neuroscience : the biology of the mind /  Gazzaniga, Michael S., author.
33 F251374 Cold War Southeast Asia /  Murfett, Malcolm H.
34 F251401 Colloquial Russian : the complete course for beginners /  Le Fleming, Svetlana, author.
35 F241474 Compendium for the civic economy : what our cities, towns and neighbourhoods should learn from 25 tr  00:/ (Architectural practice)
36 F241475 Complex : die Architektur von KSP Engel und Zimmermann = The architecture of KSP Engel and Zimmerman  Flagge, Ingeborg.
37 F241476 Congress, convention & exhibition facilities : planning, design and management /  Lawson, Fred R.
38 F241477 Constructed ecosystems : ideas and subsystems in the work of Ken Yeang /  Yeang, Ken, 1948- author.
39 F241480 Contemporary hotel design /  Fischer, Joachim, 1960-
40 F241481 Contemporary public space : un-volumetric architecture /  Aymonino, Aldo, 1953-
41 F241482 Convergence : the redesign of design /  Deutsch, Randy, author.
42 F248240 Creating contexts : writing introductions across genres /  Feak, Christine B., author.
43 F241483 Creative facades = Conception et design: Façades = Fachadas creativas /  Broto, Carles.
44 F241484 Creative infidelities : on the landscape architecture of Topotek 1 /  Steiner, Barbara, 1964- editor, writer of supplementary textual content.
45 F248254 Cuisine and culture : a history of food and people /  Civitello, Linda.
46 F241485 Cultivated building materials : industrialized natural resources for architecture and construction /  Hebel, Dirk, editor.
47 F248239 Cultural Policy in South Korea : Making a New Patron State /  Lee, Hye-Kyung, 1968- author.
48 F251403 Current research in Puerto Rican linguistics /  González-Rivera, Melvin, editor.
49 F248539 Daniel Libeskind : inspiration and process in architecture /  Serrazanetti, Francesca, editor.
50 F250320 Data mining for business analytics : concepts, techniques, and applications in R /  Shmueli, Galit, 1971- author.
51 F248248 Data science interviews exposed : your one stop source for Data Science job interviews /  You, Jane, author.
52 F241486 Data visualization for design thinking : applied mapping /  Newman, Winifred E., author
53 F251366 Death 24x a second : stillness and the moving image /  Mulvey, Laura.
55 F251408 Delta’s key to the TOEFL iBT : complete skill practice /  Gallagher, Nancy, author.
56 F250342 Der „imaginäre Opernführer” im Werk Alexander Kluges : Eine Untersuchung zur diesbezüglichen Mo  Lehmann, Ulrike, author.
57 F241487 Desert America, territory of paradox /  Prat, Ramon.
58 F241488 Design by nature : interaction between nature and design/architecture in Norway /  Bengtsson, Staffan.
59 F241489 Design for government /  Mays, Vernon L.
60 F241490 Design governance : the CABE experiment /  Carmona, Matthew, author.
61 F241491 Design in the terrain of water /  Mathur, Anuradha, editor, author.
62 F241494  

Designbuild education / 

Kraus, Chad, editor.
63 F241495 Designing cities : basics, principles, projects /  Schenk, Leonhard, 1965- author.
64 F241496 Designing cities : critical readings in urban design /  Cuthbert, Alexander R.
65 F241497 Designing sacred spaces /  Wing, Sherin, author.
66 F241498 Detail kultur : if buildings had DNA : case studies of mutations : the complex behavior of collectiv  Kumpusch, Christoph a., author.
67 F248238 Development of HfO2-based ferroelectric memories for future CMOS technology nodes /  Mueller, Stefan Ferdinand.
68 F241499 Dialogues for sustainable design and art pedagogy : Nantes – Milano – Helsinki /  Niinimäki, Kirsi
69 F251925 Discovering destinations : a geography workbook for travel and tourism /  Howell, David W., CTC.
70 F248540 Dominique Perrault : inspiration and process in architecture /  Serrazanetti, Francesca, editor.
71 F251404 Dutch : a comprehensive grammar /  Donaldson, B. C. (Bruce C.), 1948- author.
72 F251369 Early film culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Republican China : kaleidoscopic histories /  Yeh, Emilie Yueh-yu, editor.
73 F248255 Eating culture : an anthropological guide to food /  Crowther, Gillian, author.
74 F241493 Elena Manferdini.  Manferdini, Elena.
75 F250355 English nouns : the ecology of nominalization /  Lieber, Rochelle, 1954- author.
76 F251926 Essential words for the TOEFL, test of English as a foreign language /  Matthiesen, Steven J.
77 F250338 Experimental Beijing : gender and globalization in Chinese contemporary art /  Welland, Sasha Su-Ling, 1969- author.
78 F250354 Experimental pragmatics : the making of a cognitive science /  Noveck, Ira A., 1962- author.
79 F251414 Federal antitrust policy : the law of competition and its practice /  Hovenkamp, Herbert, 1948- author.
80 F250324 Feeling backward : loss and the politics of queer history /  Love, Heather, author.
81 F248541 Frits Palmboom : inspiration and process in architecture /  Palmboom, Frits, author, artist.
82 F248256 From Canton Restaurant to Panda Express : a history of Chinese food in the United States /  Liu, Haiming, 1953- author.
83 F241479 Geng xin Zhongguo : wei le yi ge ke chi xue de wei lai = Updating China : projects for a sustainable  880-02 Li, Xiangning.
84 F250325 Geontologies : a requiem to late liberalism /  Povinelli, Elizabeth A., author.
85 F251405 German temporal semantics : three-dimensional tense logic and a GPSG fragment /  Nerbonne, John A., 1951- author.
86 F251381 Ghostly desires : queer sexuality and vernacular Buddhism in contemporary Thai cinema /  Fuhrmann, Arnika, author.
87 F248542 Giancarlo de Carlo /  Serrazanetti, Francesca.
88 F248543 Grafton Architects /  Serrazanetti, Francesca.
89 F251933 GRE : practicing to take the biochemistry, cell and molecular biology test : the only guide containi  Educational Testing Service.
90 F251932 GRE : practicing to take the computer science test.  Educational Testing Service.
91 F251937 GRE, practicing to take the general test.  Graduate Record Examinations Board.
92 F251930 GRE, practicing to take the history test.  Educational Testing Service.
93 F251931 GRE, practicing to take the sociology test.  Educational Testing Service.
94 F251379 Hands on applied finite element analysis : application with ANSYS /  Arslan, Mehmet Ali, author.
95 F251364 Henri Cartier-Bresson /  Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 1908-2004.
96 F251391 Heritage revitalisation for tourism in Hong Kong : the role of interpretative planning /  White, Chris, 1966- author.
97 F250326 Hold it against me : difficulty and emotion in contemporary art /  Doyle, Jennifer.
98 F250334 Immediations : the humanitarian impulse in documentary /  Rangan, Pooja, 1984- author.
99 F248257 Indian food : a historical companion /  Achaya, K. T. (Kongandra Thammu), 1923-2002, author.
100 F251390 Individuation, process, and scientific practices /  Bueno, Otávio, editor.
101 F250323 Indonesia and China’s belt and road initiatives : perspctives, issues and prospects /  Negara, Siwage Dharma, author.
102 F248535 Infratecture : infrastructure by design /  Verheijen, Marc, 1965- author.
103 F251399 Intermediate Cantonese : a grammar and workbook /  Yip, Virginia, 1962- author.
104 F248233 Intonation and prosodic structure /  Féry, Caroline, author.
105 F250322 Introducing discourse analysis : from grammar to society /  Gee, James Paul, author.
106 F251558 Introduction to spintronics /  Bandyopadhyay, S.
107 F251358 La lune de Payne /  Danilović , Ljubiša.
108 F251377 Land use-transport interaction models /  Cordera, Rubén, author.
109 F251406 Living a feminist life /  Ahmed, Sara, 1969- author.
110 F251936 Longman preparation course for the TOEFL test : iBT /  Phillips, Deborah, 1952-
111 F250335 Making sex public, and other cinematic fantasies /  Young, Damon R., 1977- author.
112 F250314 Marketing research : an applied orientation /  Malhotra, Naresh K., author.
114 F251935 Mastering skills for the TOEFL iBT advanced : writing /  Yancey, Patrick.
115 F251365 Melodrama unbound : across history, media, and national cultures /  Conference “Screen Melodrama–Global Perspectives” (2013 : New York, N.Y.), author.
116 F250337 Mobile subjects : transnational imaginaries of gender reassignment /  Aizura, Aren Z., author.
117 F251400 Modern Chinese grammar : a clause-pivot approach /  Xing, Fuyi, author.
118 F241478 Museum buildings /  Hoffmann, Hans Wolfgang, 1970- author.
119 F251416 Mygale /  Jonquet, Thierry.
120 F251420 Navigating English grammar : a guide to analyzing real language /  Lobeck, Anne C.
121 F250348 Neither dead nor red : civilian defense and American political development during the early Cold War  Grossman, Andrew D.
122 F250336 None like us : Blackness, belonging, aesthetic life /  Best, Stephen Michael, author.
123 F250346 Nostradamus 2242 judgment day : Nostradamus code revealed /  D’andrimont, Benoit.
124 F251368 On being included : racism and diversity in institutional life /  Ahmed, Sara, 1969- author.
125 F250340 Opera as soundtrack /  Joe, Jeongwon.
126 F248247 Persuasion : social influence and compliance gaining /  Gass, Robert H., author.
127 F251393 Pidgins and Creoles : critical concepts in linguistics. Pidgin and creole genesis and typology I /  Farquharson, Joseph T., editor.
128 F251394 Pidgins and Creoles : critical concepts in linguistics. Pidgin and creole genesis and typology II /  Farquharson, Joseph T., editor.
129 F251396 Pidgins and Creoles : critical concepts in linguistics. Pidgins and creoles and applied linguistics  Farquharson, Joseph T., editor.
130 F251395 Pidgins and Creoles : critical concepts in linguistics. Sociolinguistics and/of pidgins and creoles  Farquharson, Joseph T., editor.
131 F250330 Pocket guide to interpersonal neurobiology : an integrative handbook of the mind /  Siegel, Daniel J., 1957-
132 F250319 Predictive analytics and data mining : concepts and practice with RapidMiner /  Kotu, Vijay, author.
133 F251372 Project management : a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling /  Kerzner, Harold, author.
134 F250327 Prosthesis in medieval and early modern culture /  Porter, Chloe, editor.
135 F251384 Psychology : a journey /  Coon, Dennis.
136 F251383 Psychology : modules for active learning /  Coon, Dennis, author.
137 F248602 Public natures : evolutionary infrastructures /  Manfredi, Michael A., 1953-
138 F251857 Quantitative analysis for management /  Render, Barry, author.
139 F251419 Quantum computation and quantum information /  Nielsen, Michael A., 1974-
140 F251371 Queer comrades : gay identity and Tongzhi activism in postsocialist China /  Bao, Hongwei, author.
141 F251382 Queer/Tongzhi China : new perspectives on research, activism and media cultures /  Engebretsen, Elisabeth L., editor.
142 F250351 Reference and representation in thought and language /  Ponte, María, editor.
143 F248234 Reminiscence and life story work : a practice guide /  Gibson, Faith.
144 F248244 Re-reading Perspecta : the first fifty years of the Yale Architectural Journal /  Stern, Robert A. M.
145 F251421 Research methods in sociolinguistics : a practical guide /  Holmes, Janet, 1947- editor.
146 F250538 Revolution of the eye : modern art and the birth of American television /  Berger, Maurice, 1956- author.
147 F250352 Romance phonetics and phonology /  Gibson, Mark, (Linguistics) editor.
148 F251417 Runaway : stories /  Munro, Alice, 1931-
149 F248253 Singapore : society in transition /  Hassan, Riaz, 1937-
150 F251363 Slotted waveguide array antennas : theory, analysis and design /  Josefsson, Lars, 1939- author.
151 F250353 Social media : how to engage, share, and connect /  Luttrell, Regina, 1975- author.
152 F250310 Source separation and machine learning /  Chien, Jen-Tzung, author.
153 F251418 Space antenna handbook /  Imbriale, W. A. (William A.)
154 F250350 Speech and language technologies /  Harper, H. G., editor.
155 F251370 Staging memories : Hou Hsiao-hsien’s A city of sadness /  Nornes, Markus, author.
156 F251373 Still, looking : works 1969-2016 /  Sullivan, Billy, 1946- artist.
157 F251389 Successful writing at work /  Kolin, Philip C.
158 F248236 Survival slingshots : how to build one of the most versatile survival weapons of all time /  Stewart, Creek.
159 F250328 Teaching college : the ultimate guide to lecturing, presenting, and engaging students /  Eng, Norman, author.
160 F251387 Technical communication : a reader-centered approach /  Anderson, Paul V., author.
161 F250345 Technology and science for the ships of the future : proceedings of nav 2018: 19th international con International Conference on Ship and Maritime Research (19th : 2018 : Trieste, Italy)
162 F250341 Temple of the scapegoat : opera stories /  Kluge, Alexander, 1932- author.
163 F251362 Ten lectures on natural semantic metalanguage : exploring language, thought and culture using simple  Goddard, Cliff, author.
164 F250313 The 3D printing handbook : technologies, design and applications /  Redwood, Ben, 1986- author.
165 F251923 The admissions essay : clear and effective guidelines on how to write that most important college en  Power, Helen W.
166 F248245 The city as a project /  Aureli, Pier Vittorio.
167 F251397 The Indo-European languages /  Lingue Indo-Europee. English.
168 F250329 The literature review : six steps to success /  Machi, Lawrence A., author.
169 F250318 The mathematics of the ideal villa, and other essays /  Rowe, Colin.
170 F248242 The nature of code /  Shiffman, Daniel.
171 F250331 The neuroscience of human relationships : attachment and the developing social brain /  Cozolino, Louis J., author.
172 F250332 The neuroscience of psychotherapy : healing the social brain /  Cozolino, Louis J., author.
173 F251934 The official guide for GMAT review /  Graduate Management Admission Council.
174 F251361 The Oxford handbook of ellipsis /  Craenenbroeck, Jeroen van, 1976- editor.
175 F248258 The practice of eating /  Warde, Alan, author.
176 F251415 The psychology book /  Collin, Catherine (Clinical psychologist)
177 F250356 The Routledge Handbook of language learning and technology /  Farr, Fiona, 1971- editor.
178 F250317 The space between /  Smithson, Alison, 1928-1993, author.
179 F251929 The ultimate math refresher workbook.  Lighthouse Review, Inc.
180 F251388 The writer’s response : a reading-based approach to writing /  McDonald, Stephen, 1949- author.
181 F251386 The Writer’s workplace : building college writing skills /  Scarry, Sandra, 1946- author.
182 F251385 The writer’s workplace with readings : building college writing skills /  Scarry, Sandra, 1946- author.
184 F251410 TOEFL strategies and tips : Outsmart the TOEFL /  Sharpe, Pamela J., author.
185 F251413 Toward fewer images : the work of Alexander Kluge /  Ekardt, Philipp, author.
186 F251375 Transforming cities with transit : transit and land-use integration for sustainable urban developmen  Suzuki, Hiroaki, 1951-
187 F251380 Translating time : cinema, the fantastic, and temporal critique /  Lim, Bliss Cua.
188 F241471 Ume Clare Design : works 1980-2015 /  Cooper, Jackie, editor.
189 F251924 Understanding technical English /  Sudarsanam, R.
190 F250339 Unruly visions : the aesthetic practices of queer diaspora /  Gopinath, Gayatri, 1969- author.
191 F251376 Walkable city rules : 101 steps to making better places /  Speck, Jeff, author.
192 F251367 Willful subjects /  Ahmed, Sara, 1969-
193 F250347 Winning the Third World : Sino-American rivalry during the Cold War /  Brazinsky, Gregg, author.
195 F251411 Writing for the TOEFL iBT /  Lougheed, Lin, 1946- author.
196 F251928 Writing skills for the GRE®/GMAT® /  Stewart, Mark A. (Mark Alan), 1957-
197 F248237 XUnit test patterns : refactoring test code /  Meszaros, Gerard.