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序號 登錄號  書名 作者
1 X583499 解決問題的商業框架圖鑑:七大類工作場景X70款框架,改善企畫提案.執行力  AND股份有限公司, 著
2 X583354 簡單直裁的43堂布作設計課:新手ok!快速完成!超實用布小物!  BOUTIQUE-SHA, 著
3 X583352 Deeplearning深度學習必讀:Keras大神帶你用Python實作  Chollet François, 著
4 X583457 IT知識,就是你的競爭力  GLOBIS商學院, 著
5 X583431 如果有方法能忘記喜歡的人,請務必告訴我  Nyan, 著
6 X583432 無法創新,是因為你不會發揮潛力:觀察力+質問力+混搭力,用對三大能力,  三浦將, 著
7 X583405 紫微攻略.內心的力量:看透宮位與祿權科忌,用飛化和自化手法,規劃人生  大耕老師, 著
8 X583379 驚爆危機Another.Fullmetalpanic!Another  大黑尚人, 著
9 X583516 他們總在某個地方  小川洋子, 著
10 X583464 生活中的毒物科學:如何吃得安全.健康?不可不知的毒與解毒知識  小城勝相, 著
11 X583465 菜鳥都在看,前輩該怎麼辦?  山田玲司, 著
12 X583349 東南亞異國料理  中華國際美饌交流協會, 著
13 X583490 情緒恢復:告別玻璃心的韌性練習  內田和俊, 著
14 X583348 是寶貝讓你傷心了嗎?:不管有沒有明天,都要學著撐過今天  巴克 (Barker, Brooke), 圖.文
15 X583393 經理人員的職能  巴納德 (Barnard, Chester I.), 著
16 X583468 Python機器學習與深度學習特訓班:看得懂也會做的AI人工智慧實戰=MachineLea  文淵閣工作室, 著
17 X583501 舌尖上的東協=TasteASEAN  王瑞閔, 著
18 X583388 邁向批判性典範:教育、知識與行動研究  卡爾 (Carr, Wilfred), 著
19 X583387 華德福教育的本質:華德福創始人Steiner暢談「身心靈全人教育」的思考與初  史代納 (Steiner, Rudolf), 著
20 X583453 一流的人如何保持顛峰  史托伯格 (Stulberg, Brad), 著
21 X583495 徹底坦率:一種有溫度而真誠的領導  史考特 (Scott, Kim), 著
22 X583433 當焦慮來臨時:走過喪慟的情緒,踏上療癒之路  史密斯 (Smith, Claire Bidwell), 著
23 X583518 情,敵  布魯克 (Brook, Rhidian), 著
24 X583438 未經檢視的生活不值得過:跟著世界哲學家檢視12件重要的事  白取春彥, 著
25 X583373 雪  任明信, 著
26 X583450 與孤寂等輕  伊格言, 著
27 X583444 白垃圾:美國四百年來被隱藏的階級真相  伊森伯格 (Isenberg, Nancy), 著
28 X583445 我的櫻花戀人  宇山佳祐, 著
29 X583458 我從賽局理論看懂暗黑心理學:遇到主管惡整.同事扯後腿,你如何讓局勢翻  朴鏞三, 著
30 X583434 逃跑的勇氣:積極的逃,是為了在人生中贏得最後勝利  百田尚樹, 著
31 X583451 新的文明  米格烈 (Megre, Vladimir), 1950-, 著
32 X583385 桃樂絲的洋娃娃:彭蒙惠的故事  米雅, 著.圖
33 X583470 練喉嚨:日本耳鼻喉名醫獨家傳授讓喉嚨返老還童的「喉嚨體操」每天5分  西山耕一郎, 著
34 X583447 年年:城市與記憶的時光膠囊  余其芬, 著
35 X583395 1927:共和崩潰  余杰, 著
36 X583509 正義的追尋:臺灣民主地圖.  余杰, 著
37 X583391 原子習慣:細微改變帶來巨大成就的實證法則  克利爾 (Clear, James), 著
38 X583462 聰明國度:全球頂尖教育強國的成功之道  克雷韓 (Crehan, Lucy), 著
39 X583512 庫斯克:希特勒-史達林關鍵決戰時刻  克羅斯 (Cross, Robin), 著
40 X583441 自駕車革命:改變人類生活.顛覆社會樣貌的科技創新  利普森 (Lipson, Hod), 著
41 X583399 不願放手的父母,過度涉入的你  吳姵瑩, 著
42 X583461 療心咖啡館:吳若權陪你杯測人生風味=Acaféforhearts  吳若權, 著
43 X583524 人生雖已看破,仍要突破  吳淡如, 著
44 X583526 點描德布西  吳毓庭, 著
45 X443369 坂茂の建築現場:ShigeruBan  坂茂, 1957-, 著
46 X443368 坂茂の建築:材料.構造.空間へ=Shigeruban:Material,structureandspace  坂茂, 1957-, 著
47 X583459 從諷刺漫畫解讀日本統治下的臺灣  坂野德隆, 著
48 X583357 全彩圖解嬰幼兒按摩:安撫寶寶情緒.睡得好.長得高  宋美蒔, 著
49 X583366 當物理博士遇上巴菲特的價值投資哲學  巫明帆, 著
50 X583471 我和你之間的故事,從旅行開始  李小龍 (Li, Justin), 著
51 X583469 你是我的傷口和自尊:最愛的人傷得最深,學習修復和家人的關係  李那美, 著
52 X583535 人魚紀  李維菁, 著
53 X583375 初醒如飛行  李蘋芬, 作
54 X583386 老虎麵包師  杜赫繆 (Dorémus, Gaëtan), 著
55 X583364 不可以交男朋友的100個理由:弟弟十歲半,姊姊十三歲,那一年發生的故事  汪培珽, 著
56 X583365 偷偷愛著你  汪培珽, 著
57 X583519 再會,我所虧欠的一切  邦德 (Bonde, Golnaz Hashemzadeh), 著
58 X583528 九歌一0七年小說選  阮慶岳, 主編
59 X583485 多給自己5%  亞登 (Alden, Michael), 著
60 X583356 超容量!休閒旅行機能包  兩個春天創作坊, 著
61 X583531 願你把將就活成講究  周桂伊, 著
62 X583475 好心情療癒你:不讓憤怒.不安.壓力沾身  和田秀樹, 著
63 X583525 創始人手記:一個企業家的思想.工作與生活  季琦, 著
64 X583467 用Python實作強化學習:使用TensorFlow與OpenAIGym  拉維尚德蘭 (Ravichandiran, Sudharsan), 著
65 X583514 印度人為什麼天天吃咖哩?:超ㄎㄧㄤ.超莫名但又超有道理的印度文化  拓徹, 著
66 X583534 0~3歲給對愛就不怕寵壞  明橋大二, 著
67 X583533 3-6歲做對管教,不打不罵孩子更聽話  明橋大二, 著
68 X583367 智勝美股:顛覆世界的16巨企  東昇, 著
69 X583350 極品湯之味:高湯專家x料理達人,教你用8種鮮高湯,煮出35道頂級湯料理  杵島隆太, 著
70 X583368 【不插電】小學生基礎程式邏輯訓練繪本.點子不是只有一個  松田孝, 監修
71 X583369 【不插電】小學生基礎程式邏輯訓練繪本.排排看,找找看  松田孝, 監修
72 X583370 【不插電】小學生基礎程式邏輯訓練繪本.以流程圖畫出未來  松田孝, 監修
73 X583371 【不插電】小學生基礎程式邏輯訓練繪本.演算法遊戲大挑戰  松田孝, 監修
74 X583481 食與時:從秒、分、時、日、週、月、年,到世紀,用不同時間尺度探索烹飪  林弗特 (Linford, Jenny), 著
75 X583443 8個你不可不知的多元文化議題=Multiculturalissues  林志興, 編著
76 X583452 深度安靜  林秀赫, 著
77 X583506 台灣的中國兩難:台灣認同下的兩岸經貿困境  林夏如, 著
78 X583376 重返天安門:在失憶的人民共和國,追尋六四的歷史真相  林慕蓮 (Lim, Louisa), 著
79 X583515 活在故事裡:現在即過去,過去即現在  河合隼雄, 著
80 X583536 民間故事啟示錄:解讀現代人的心理課題  河合隼雄, 著
81 X583446 小小國  法伊 (Faye, Gaël), 著
82 X583511 年屆30,與其結婚,不如夜半脫逃!  金帥氣, 著
83 X583440 為神而辯:一部科學改寫宗教走向的歷史  阿姆斯壯 (Armstrong, Karen), 1944-, 著
84 X583520 土裡的私釀:微醺告解室  侯力元, 著
85 X583377 給我來一點阿拉伯  哈寧, 著
86 X583351 航空衛生保健與急救  姚紅光, 編
87 X583429 請把焦慮當愛人:焦慮擺脫不了,但總能讓你變得更好  思小妞, 著
88 X583484 二十四節氣在京都:文學家的散步手札,一整年的靜逸之旅  柏井壽, 著
89 X583437 改變自己的藝術:22則讓生命轉彎的哲學練習題  柯依瑟爾 (Koisser, Harald), 著
90 X583503 與幸福有約:美滿家庭七習慣  柯維 (Covey, Stephen R.), 著
91 X583522 蜃棄樓  洛心, 著
92 X583466 Python最強入門:邁向數據科學之路王者歸來  洪錦魁, 著
93 X583358 時間經濟學:最佳工作時序白金四原則,讓時間價值極大化的「鬼速工作術」  美崎榮一郎, 著
94 X583527 九歌一0七年散文選  胡晴舫, 主編
95 X583539 我啊,走自己的路  若竹千佐子, 著
96 X583477 我啊,走自己的路  若竹千佐子, 著
97 X583504 思考力培養法:全球800萬人實踐的思考程序,引導孩子獨立思考,增強學習力  飛田基, 著
98 X583493 圖解建築計畫入門:一次精通建物空間.動線設計.尺寸面積.都市計畫的基  原口秀昭, 著
99 X583442 8個你不可不知的人權議題=Humanrights  徐婉寧, 編著
100 X583346 把老去的每一天,都噗!地笑出來:《東京愛情故事》日劇原作女王柴門文的  柴門文, 著
101 X583472 照亮憂鬱黑洞的一束光:重新與世界連結_走出藍色深海  海利 (Hari, Johann), 著
102 X583532 活著的理由  海格 (Haig, Matt), 著
103 X583392 社會學方法的規則  涂爾幹 (Émile Durkheim), 著
104 X583479 品牌親密度:6大原型×3大階段×3大層級,增強品牌與消費者互動與共鳴,圈  納塔雷利 (Natarelli, Mario), 著
105 X583483 性.謊言.柏金包:女性欲望的新科學  馬丁 (Martin, Wednesday), 著
106 X583347 不存在的績效:穩定報酬的真相解密!馬多夫對沖基金騙局最終結案報告  馬可波羅 (Markopolos, Harry), 著
107 X583400 金球:矽谷創投與NBA冠軍,金州勇士如何改寫歷史  馬林諾斯基 (Malinowski, Erik), 著
108 X583488 小學問:告別知識焦慮時代的聰明思考  馬薇薇, 著
109 X583480 這才是行銷  高汀 (Godin, Seth), 著
110 X583494 溫柔的誕生  勒博耶 (Leboyer, Frédérick), 著
111 X583428 十二步驟的療癒力:擺脫成癮,啟動轉化  康復之友 (Friends in Recovery), 著
112 X583508 寡人:這些帝王有個性.細說宮廷  張志君, 著
113 X583449 我循著火光而來=Icametowardstheflame  張悅然, 著
114 X583345 築光:曙光女中德思樓重建之路.  張景堯, 著
115 X583360 基礎無機化學  梁碧峯, 著
116 X583491 不再討好所有人:別人的評價,不該限制你的人生=Nomorepeoplepleasing  莊舒涵, 著
117 X583359 解剖生理學總複習:心智圖解析=Mindmapsinanatomy&physiology:asummativereview  莊禮聰, 著
118 X583486 低潮不會死  莫瑞洛 (Moreno, Laura), 著
119 X583496 故事課:99%有效的故事行銷,創造品牌力=Storytelling,astrategytocreatecompanyb  許榮哲, 著
120 X583372 改變生命的6個寶物  連加恩, 著
121 X583390 木蘭與麒麟:中古中國的突厥-伊朗元素  陳三平 (Chen, Sanping), 著
122 X583529 寫作,是最好的自我投資:百萬粉絲公眾號操盤手,首創「注意力寫作」法,教  陳立飛, 著
123 X583538 我用1檔ETF存自己的18%  陳重銘, 著
124 X583517 山之生:一段終生與山學習的生命旅程  雪柏德 (Shepherd, Nan), 著
125 X583456 自由工作的未來:零工經濟趨勢的機會與挑戰  麥加蒙 (McGovern, Marion), 著
126 X583492 聰明人的工作哲學:如何握手.如何閉嘴,沒有人會告訴你的關鍵商業技巧  麥肯曼 (McCammon, Ross), 著
127 X583439 品味人生12講  傅佩榮, 1950-, 著
128 X583427 真理機器:區塊鏈與數位時代的新憲法  凱西 (Casey, Michael J.), 著
129 X583489 跟心裡的傷痛告別:創傷療癒大師教你如何修復失衡的人生  惠特菲爾德 (Whitfield, Charles L.), 著
130 X583497 每個人都做得到的清單工作術:以科學方法管理工作順序,明確化你的下一  斯利溫斯基 (Sliwinski, Michael), 著
131 X583510 十載遊記:現代西方對古東亞的第一眼麻六甲海峽.中南半島.臺灣與中國  湯姆生 (Thomson, John), 著
132 X583394 改造傳統農業  舒爾茨 (Schultz, Theodore William), 著
133 X583435 朋友這種幻想:社會學家教你不被人際關係困擾的8堂課  菅野仁, 著
134 X583530 三個月亮  賀婉青, 著
135 X583353 手作包の版型講義  越膳夕香, 作
136 X583355 皮革X布作!初學者の手作錢包:一次滿足錢包控的45枚紙型X97個零錢包、短夾  越膳夕香, 著
137 X583507 居酒屋的誕生:日本江戶時代的酒食文化  飯野亮一, 著
138 X583537 再現黑色風華:臺灣的非裔美國文學研究  馮品佳, 著
139 X583500 品牌之前,設計之外=Beforethebrandoutsidethedesign  黃于庭, 著
140 X583398 科技島鏈:中美日韓台共構的產業新局=Asianedge:onthefrontlineoftheICTworld  黃欽勇, 著
141 X583463 麻省理工MIT黃金創業課:做對24步驟,系統性打造成功企業  奧萊特 (Aulet, Bill), 著
142 X583473 不必為悲傷感到抱歉  溫奇 (Winch, Guy), 著
143 X583513 獻給皇帝的禮物:Wedgwood瓷器王國與漫長的十八世紀=Apresenttotheemperor:th  溫洽溢, 著
144 X583476 情緒賽局:揭開決策背後的情緒機制,8位諾貝爾經濟學獎得主盛讚,提高人  溫特爾 (Winter, Eyal), 著
145 X583401 東西邂逅萌寶貝:瑞莎xNika的幸福零負評教養日記  瑞莎, 著
146 X583478 後來的無盡缺憾  聖托波羅 (Santopolo, Jill), 著
147 X583448 嗜讀者:改寫美國文學史的傳奇編輯  葛特利 (Gottlieb, Robert), 著
148 X583474 幸福,從謝謝這一杯咖啡開始  賈各布斯 (Jacobs, A. J.), 著
149 X583389 大債危機:橋水基金應對債務危機的原則  達利歐 (Dalio, Ray), 著
150 X583402 厭世女兒:你難道會不愛媽媽嗎?  厭世姬, 文.圖
151 X583521 秋刀魚的滋味=Thetasteofsaury  廖志峰, 著
152 X583455 臺灣妖怪學就醬  臺北地方異聞工作室, 主編
153 X583403 計算機概論=Anintroductiontocomputerscience  趙坤茂, 著
154 X583498 職場如此殘忍,你要無可取代:從人資角度出發,21天不繞遠路,帶你練出「自  趙穎, 著
155 X583378 餐桌上:Soac與好友們的西式家常料理  劉永偉, 著
156 X583404 企業總合效率:工業4.0「智慧工廠」的基礎=Overallenterpriseeffectiveness,OEE+  劉季旋, 著
157 X583487 沒關係,是悲傷啊!:直視悲傷的真相,學習守護自己與關愛他人的情緒照護  德凡 (Devine, Megan), 著
158 X583374 1993  潘柏霖, 著
159 X583397 打造360度行銷產品力:產品經理帶你直搗商業競爭核心  蔡伊芳, 著
160 X583361 植物生理學=Plantphysionlogy  蔣德安, 編
161 X583384 艾蜜莉會計師的10堂創業必修課  鄭惠方, 著
162 X583523 物志:從古典到現代的文學「物」語  鄭穎, 著
163 X583396 1921穿越福爾摩沙:一位英國作家的臺灣旅行  魯特 (Rutter, Owen), 著
164 X583436 青春超哲學  冀劍制, 著
165 X583502 服務隨創:少力設計的邏輯思維=Thelogicofless-designforadversaryinnovation  蕭瑞麟, 著
166 X583363 迎戰克漏字:最關鍵的60堂課=Masteringclozetests  賴世雄, 著
167 X583454 第二波魔球革命:提升事業與人生戰績,球團.企業.個人都能用的常勝智慧  賴特 (Reiter, Ben), 著
168 X583362 生物學  賽蒙 (Simon, Eric J.), 原著
169 X583505 弒母情結:互相控制與依存的母女戰爭  齋藤環, 著
170 X583482 會走路的翻譯機,神級英文學習攻略本  簡德浩, 著
171 X583383 拚教養:全球化、親職焦慮與不平等童年  藍佩嘉, 著
172 X583430 心智科學教養法:日本第一腦醫學專家解讀16萬MRI腦影像,掌握大腦發育關鍵  瀧靖之, 著
173 X583460 黑馬思維:哈佛最推崇的人生計畫,教你成就更好的自己  羅斯 (Rose, Todd), 著
序號 登錄號 書名 作者
1 F249042 Visual programming /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
2 F249044 Java and web design /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
3 F249045 Advance digital enhancement /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
4 F249046 Advanced programming languages /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
5 F249047 Fundamentals of IT & programming /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
6 F249048 Problem solving and programming /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
7 F249049 Data structures and algorithm /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
8 F249050 Computer oriented numerical methods /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
9 F249052 Introduction to algorithm design /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
10 F249051 Data communication /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
11 F249054 Graphics and multimedia /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
12 F249053 Web programming /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
13 F249055 Artificial intelligence and knowledge management /  3G E-learning LLC, USA.
14 F249037 The play of signifiers : poststructuralism and study of the bible /  Aichele, George.
15 F249082 Advanced networking and security /  Alwyn, D., editor.
16 F249038 Reworlding art history : encounters with contemporary Southeast Asian art after 1990 /  Antoinette, Michelle, author.
17 F252035 Elemental : Alejandro Aravena : the architect’s studio /  Aravena Mori, Alejandro, author.
18 F252047 Elemental /  Aravena Mori, Alejandro, author.
19 F252072 The property issue /  ARCH+ Verlag GmbH
20 F252958 AA files : Architectural Association files.  Architectural Association (Great Britain). School of Architecture.
21 F251492 Sister Gin : a novel /  Arnold, June, 1926-
22 F252098 Transformatie Strijp-S = Transformation Strijp-S /  Aussems, Thom, 1951- author
23 F251490 Events and narratives in language /  Badio, Janusz, editor.
24 F251477 The science of meaning : essays on the metatheory of natural language semantics /  Ball, Derek, editor.
25 F252102 Promontório : architecture of leisure /  Barata, Paulo Martins, 1965- editor.
26 F243296 Natural materials of the Holy Land and the visual translation of place, 500-1500 /  Bartal, Renana, 1977- editor.
27 F243298 The econometric analysis of non-stationary spatial panel data /  Beenstock, Michael, 1946- author.
28 F252057 New architecture New York /  Bendov, Pavel, photographer.
29 F252073 Paul Böhm : buildings and projects = Bauten und Projekte /  Böhm, Paul, 1959- architect.
30 F249056 Computer language engineering /  Bolivar, Nelson.
31 F252080 Louise Bourgeois, Peter Zumthor : Steilneset Memorial : the possessed, the damned and the beloved :  Bourgeois, Louise, 1911-2010, artist.
32 F249039 Visual thinking : empowering people & organizations through visual collaboration.  Brand, William.
33 F251469 Computer science : an overview /  Brookshear, J. Glenn, author.
34 F248296 Foundations of information ethics /  Burgess, John T. F., editor.
35 F252056 2017 California-Pacific Triennial : building as ever /  California-Pacific Triennial (Newport Beach, Calif. : 2017)
36 F252052 Gion A. Caminada : on the path to building : a conversation about architecure with Florian Aicher /  Caminada, Gion A., 1957-
37 F248294 Create, innovate, and serve : a radical approach to children’s and youth programming /  Campana, Kathleen, editor.
38 F243286 Anti-Japan : the politics of sentiment in postcolonial East Asia /  Ching, Leo T. S., 1962- author.
39 F243290 Yü ko : for violin, alto flute, English horn, bass clarinet, trombone, bass trombone, piano and two  Chou, Wen-Chung, (周文中), 1923- composer.
40 F243289 The willows are new (after Wang Wei’s Yang Kuan).  Chou, Wen-Chung, 1923- composer.
41 F243291 English Gothic misericord carvings : history from the bottom up /  Chunko-Dominguez, Betsy, author.
42 F251480 Inquisitive semantics /  Ciardelli, Ivano, author.
43 F252956 Communications /  Communications (Paris, France)
44 F252040 Eduardo Souto de Moura. Equipamientos y proyectos urbanos 2004-2019 /  Correia, Graça, coed.
45 F252043 Vincent van Duysen : works 1989-2009 /  Crawford, Ilse, writer of foreword.
46 F252085 Arcipelago Italia : projects for the future of the country’s interior territories : padiglione Itali  Cucinella, Mario.
47 F251479 Pragmatics /  Cummins, Chris, author.
48 F251484 The Oxford handbook of experimental semantics and pragmatics /  Cummins, Chris, editor.
49 F252036 Le Corbusier : ideas and forms /  Curtis, William J. R., author
50 F248757 Dear my architect /  Damdi. Pyeonjipbu.
51 F248756 Life style design /  Damdi. Pyeonjipbu.
52 F248755 Storytelling about interior /  Damdi. Pyeonjipbu.
53 F248754 We are nomad /  Damdi. Pyeonjipbu.
54 F248753 I am diagram /  Damdi. Pyeonjipbu.
55 F253001 The spike /  De Borchgrave, Arnaud, author.
56 F252051 Dirk Denison : 10 houses /  Denison, Dirk, author, architect.
57 F252042 Vincent Van Duysen : works 2009-2018 /  Di Battista, Nicola, author of introduction.
58 F252088 Simplified Complexity : method for advanced NURBS modeling with Rhinoceros® /  Di Marco, Giancarlo
59 F252046 Robert A. M. Stern Architects : buildings and projects, 2010-2014 /  Dixon, Peter Morris, editor
60 F252063 The hinterland : cabins, love shacks and other hide-outs /  Ehmann, Sven, editor.
61 F252082 Batlle i Roig : building with nature /  Fernández-Galiano, Luis, editor.
62 F251474 The Oxford handbook of information structure /  Féry, Caroline, editor.
63 F252096 The NAi effect : creating architecture culture /  Figueiredo, Sergio M., author
64 F243300 Spatial ecology and conservation modeling : applications with R /  Fletcher, Robert J., author.
65 F252045 Wang Shu Amateur Architecture Studio /  Frampton, Kenneth, contributor
66 F252049 KPF : Kohn Pedersen Fox, architecture and urbanism, 2003-2012 /  Franchetti, Anita.
67 F252060 Innovative apartment buildings : new directions in sustainable design /  Friedman, Avi, 1952-
68 F251495 Litigation funding 2019 /  Friel, Steven, editor.
69 F249060 E-security & software standards /  Gacovski, Zoran.
70 F249064 Software project management /  Gacovski, Zoran.
71 F249065 Information security and cyber laws /  Gacovski, Zoran.
72 F249068 Artificial neural nerworks /  Gacovski, Zoran.
73 F249077 Fuzzy logic : theory and applications /  Galido, Aldon Cris B.
74 F243297 Teaching, learning, literacy in our high-risk high-tech world : a framework for becoming human /  Gee, James Paul, author.
75 F252089 Massimiliano and Dorian Fuksas : The cloud : new Rome-Eur convention centre /  Giovannini, Joseph. Cloud.
76 F252095 Aldo van Eyck : Orphanage Amsterdam : building and playgrounds /  Grafe, Christoph, 1964- writer of supplementary textual content.
77 F251487 The history of English : an introduction /  Gramley, Stephan, 1943- author.
78 F252037 Vizinhança onde Álvaro encontra Aldo : representação oficial Portuguesa na 15.a Exposição Inte  Grande, Nuno.
79 F252058 E.1027 : Roquebrune-Cap-Martin 1926-29 /  Gray, Eileen, 1878-1976, architect.
80 F251493 Less : a novel /  Greer, Andrew Sean, author.
81 F251468 Artificial intelligence and machine learning in libraries /  Griffey, Jason, editor, author.
82 F248299 Introduction to electrodynamics /  Griffiths, David J. (David Jeffery), 1942- author.
83 F251483 The Oxford handbook of reference /  Gundel, Jeanette K., editor.
84 F251472 The grammar of expressivity /  Gutzmann, Daniel, author.
85 F243287 The audience and business of YouTube and online videos /  Ha, Louisa, editor.
86 F248295 Dynamic discipline /  Hakala-Ausperk, Catherine, author.
87 F252084 Obra Architects Logic : selected projects 2003-2016 /  Hansen, Gilbert, editor.
88 F252070 Architecture, engineering, design /  Heinlein, Frank.
89 F252094 Amsterdamse School /  Herfst, Walter, photographer.
90 F251499 Questions in discourse. Semantics /  Heusinger, Klaus von, editor.
91 F243288 Voting as a rite : a history of elections in modern China /  Hill, Joshua, 1977- author.
92 F249040 The triumph of typography : culture, communication, new media /  Hoeks, Henk, editor.
93 F252075 Renzo Piano Building Workshop : Architektur und Baudetails = architecture and construction details /  Hofmeister, Sandra, 1970- editor.
94 F252097 Spots in shots : narrating the built environment in short films /  Hoorn, Mélanie van der.
95 F251478 The Oxford handbook of pragmatics /  Huang, Yan, editor.
96 F251491 The Semitic languages /  Huehnergard, John, editor.
97 F252090 Zwarts & Jansma Architecten 1990-2003 /  Ibelings, Hans
98 F252065 Surf shacks : an eclectic compilation of creative surfers’ homes from coast to coast and overseas /  Indoek (Blog), author.
99 F243294 Hands-on geospatial analysis with R and QGIS : a beginner’s guide to manipulating, managing, and ana  Islam, Shammunul, author.
100 F251489 Partition and quantity : numeral classifiers, measurement, and partitive constructions in Mandarin C  Jin, Jing, 1986- author.
101 F252059 Rooftops : islands in the sky /  Jodidio, Philip, author
102 F252044 Calatrava : Santiago Calatrava : complete works 1979-today /  Jodidio, Philip, author.
103 F252055 Cairo /  Jodidio, Philip.
104 F252074 Manual of multi-storey timber construction /  Kaufmann, Hermann, 1955- author.
105 F252091 Amsterdam architecture : a guide /  Kemme, Guus.
106 F252083 Lycée Schorge Secondary School Koudougou, Burkina Faso = Escola secundária Lycée Schorge Koudougo  Kéré, Diébedo Francis, 1965- architecte. arc.
107 F251488 Mandarin loanwords /  Kim, Tae-Eun, 1974- author.
108 F252069 Northern comfort : the Nordic art of creative living /  Klanten, Robert, editor.
109 F252068 Petite places : clever interiors for humble homes /  Klanten, Robert, editor.
110 F252067 Insiders & company : the new artisans of interior design /  Klanten, Robert, editor.
111 F252064 Upgrade : home extensions, alterations and refurbishments /  Klanten, Robert, editor.
112 F252048 Kengo Kuma : complete works /  Kuma, Kengo, 1954- architect
113 F251494 Salt fish girl : a novel /  Lai, Larissa, author.
114 F252071 Precisions on the present state of architecture and city planning /  Le Corbusier, 1887-1965, author
115 F252100 A.MAG 14 – Adjaye Associates /  Leal, Ana, editor.
116 F252099 A.mag 13 – BAST bureau architectures sans titre ; GENS association liberale d’architecture /  Leal, Ana, editor.
117 F251473 Optimality-theoretic syntax, semantics, and pragmatics : from uni- to bidirectional optimization /  Legendre, Géraldine, 1953- editor.
118 F251497 Grounding in Chinese written narrative discourse /  Li, Wendan, author. aut
119 F243285 Adaptive markets : financial evolution at the speed of thought /  Lo, Andrew W. (Andrew Wen-Chuan), author.
120 F243292 Geocomputation with R /  Lovelace, Robin, author.
121 F251481 Living words : meaning underdetermination and the dynamic lexicon /  Ludlow, Peter, 1957- author.
122 F252061 Martha Schwartz Partners : landscape art and urbanism /  Martha Schwartz Partners organisme de publication.
123 F252101 Houses : traços de um percurso = an architectural journey /  Martins, Mário, 1964- architect.
124 F251485 A history of English negation /  Mazzon, Gabriella, 1962-
125 F251486 The earliest English : an introduction to Old English language /  McCully, C. B.
126 F252103 Atlas of brutalist architecture /  McLeod, Virginia, editor.
127 F252039 Drawing into architecture : the sketches of Antoine Predock /  Mead, Christopher Curtis, author.
128 F249075 Computer information science /  Mendoza, Charlemagne.
129 F249076 Computer networking essentials /  Mendoza, Charlemagne.
130 F252076 Mies van der Rohe : Montage = collage /  Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 1886-1969. Works. Selections.
131 F249036 The political economy of indigo in India, 1580-1930 /  Nadri, Ghulam A., author.
132 F251482 The Oxford handbook of modality and mood /  Nuyts, Jan, editor.
133 F243284 The model thinker : what you need to know to make data work for you /  Page, Scott E., author.
134 F252086 Italian panorama = Panorama italiano : vol. 3 /  Pagliari, Francesco, author.
135 F252087 Italian panorama = Panorama italiano.  Pagliari, Francesco, author.
136 F252093 IJsselmeer : a spatial perspective /  Palmboom, Frits, author, illustrator.
137 F251470 Architecture of periphery in Chinese cartography and minimalism /  Pan, Victor Junnan, author.
138 F252034 Le Corbusier : the buildings /  Pare, Richard, photographer.
139 F243283 Dark pools : the rise of the machine traders and the rigging of the U.S. stock market /  Patterson, Scott, 1969-
140 F249081 Advanced data structures /  Paul, Daved.
141 F252038 Le Corbusier : drawing as process /  Pauly, Danièle, author. aut
142 F249061 Unix programming /  Pehcevski, Jovan, editor.
143 F251471 Languages of the world : an introduction /  Pereltsvaig, Asya, 1972- author.
144 F243293 Spatial data analysis in ecology and agriculture using R /  Plant, Richard E., author.
145 F243299 Pluriverse /  Pluriversum. English.
146 F249057 Switching theory and logic design /  Prudhomme, Gerard Ian.
147 F249059 Computer based management system & e-commerce /  Prudhomme, Gerard Ian.
148 F249063 Network analysis & synthesis /  Prudhomme, Gerard Ian.
149 F249066 Java technologies /  Prudhomme, Gerard Ian.
150 F249073 Software process improvement /  Prudhomme, Gerard Ian.
151 F249069 Multimedia system /  Randrianarisoa, Harinirina.
152 F252079 H-definition : architects 49 house design /  Rattawut Chansritrakul, editor.
153 F252078 Reyes Ríos + Larraín : arquitectos : place, matter and belonging /  Reyes Ríos, Salvador, author.
154 F249079 Fundamentals of electronic data processing /  Roland, W. R.
155 F248297 Doing philosophy : an introduction through thought experiments /  Schick, Theodore.
156 F248298 Soundtracking Germany : popular music and national identity /  Schiller, Melanie, 1981- author.
157 F248292 The Routledge handbook of Chinese discourse analysis /  Shei, Chris, 1956- editor.
158 F243295 Designing accessibility instruments : lessons on their usability for integrated land use and transpo  Silva, Cecilia (Civil engineer), editor.
159 F252054 Terminal de Cruzeiros de Leixões : Porto Cruise Terminal : Leixões, Matosinhos /  Silva, Luís Pedro, 1971- author.
160 F252062 Infinite space : contemporary residential architecture and interiors /  Silverman, James, photographer
161 F251476 Semantic singularities : paradoxes of reference, predication, and truth /  Simmons, Keith, author.
162 F252081 Alfaro Siza : ideas encontradas /  Siza, Alfaro.
163 F252053 Mies van der Rohe : space, material, detail /  Stach, Edgar, 1963- author.
164 F249043 Computer graphics and visualisation /  Stanimirovic, Ivan
165 F249058 Pattern recognition and image processing /  Stanimirovic, Ivan.
166 F252104 POST OTTO WAGNER : Von der Postsparkasse zur Postmoderne = From the Postal Savings Bank to Post-Mode  Thun-Hohenstein, Christoph, editor.
167 F249041 Southeast asia in ruins : art and empire in the early 19th century /  Tiffin, Sarah, author.
168 F248293 The Routledge handbook of translation and pragmatics /  Tipton, Rebecca, editor.
169 F251475 The Oxford handbook of event structure /  Truswell, Robert, editor.
170 F252077 Macias Peredo /  Tsien, Billie, writer of supplementary textual content.
171 F251498 Pragmatics, truth and underspecification : towards an atlas of meaning /  Turner, Ken, 1956- editor.
172 F249062 Computer based numerical and statistical techniques /  Velinova, Maria Emilova.
173 F252041 Victor Lundy : artist architect /  Victor Lundy (Princeton Architectural Press)
174 F251496 Semantics for reasons /  Weaver, Bryan R., author.
175 F252066 Isay Weinfeld : an architect from Brazil /  Weinfeld, Isay, 1952-
176 F252092 Rotterdamrooftops : taking resilience to a higher level /  Wienese, Esther, 1965- aut ccp (NL-LeOCL)413763986.
177 F251467 Spider-Man, into the Spider-Verse : the art of the movie /  Zahed, Ramin, author.
178 F251500 Questions in discourse. Pragmatics /  Zimmermann, Malte, 1970- editor.
179 F252050 A feeling of history /  Zumthor, Peter.
180 F249067 Distributed database architecture / 
181 F249070 Service-oriented software system engineering / 
182 F249071 Algorithms & data structures / 
183 F249072 Database & data warehousing technologies / 
184 F249074 Advances in geometric modeling / 
185 F249078 Information security : principles and practices / 
186 F252957 El Croquis. 


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